viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Solucionario fotocopias página 50 (pruebas de acceso a universidad para mayores de 25 años)

Adjunto solucionario fotocopias página 50 (pruebas de acceso a universidad para mayores de 25 años)


b) John has got new light trousers
c) Mary likes bigger clothes
d) Rick is wearing an expensive coat
e) Carol has got the shortest scarf
f) He is the tallest student
g) Mary was the most popular actress
h) He was the best footballer
i) Mary plays better than you
j) Your father is stronger than mine


b) the latest fashion
c) more comfortable
d) happier
e) prettiest
f) older
g) the most attractive
h) funniest
i) curlier
j) shorter

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